Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I am ME!

I got tagged, so here goes. . .

i am: a daughter of God.
i think: Huh? Do I think?
i know: how to sew
i have: the best husband in the universe!
i dislike: light switches that point up when they're actually off
i miss: Tony & Jacquie (my nephew and niece)
i fear: not being able to have children of my own
i feel: blessed
i hear: the Saturday Night Live version of the Presidential Debate.
i smell: Cold Stone ice cream
i usually: sleep well.
i search: for my wedding ring all the time.
i wonder: how I became so busy in life.
i regret: not ordering a professional cake for our wedding.
i love: my sweet husband, James. He's so awesome!
i care: for my family
i always: am late for work?
i worry: about my weight too much, probably.
i am not: a textbook model of a woman
i remember: Sophie when she was a puppy
i believe: in Jesus Christ
i dance: not really, more roll or something worse
i sing: to my microphone thumb at work
i don’t always: do what I meant to do
i argue: with my boss
i don’t like: Halo 3
i write: e-mails to my brother on his mission
i win: James' affection
i lose: myself in James' eyes
i wish: I was pregnant
i never: sweat
i listen: to good ideas
i don't understand: why some people don't take responsibility for their actions
i can usually be found: at work
i am scared: that I won't be able to have children
i need: more time
i forget: what I'm doing sometimes
i am happy: When I'm hangin with James & Sophie
A little more about me!

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