Tuesday, April 21, 2009

20 Weeks and Growing!

So here we are half way through! I am getting so much more excited to meet our little man!

PS> Check out that "Ba-donk!"


Shannon said...

Yay for the belly!!!

Kristi Rowley said...

You have the glow! You look so good!

Jody and Lacey said...

You have the cutest prego belly ever! Love your guts!

Sandra said...

You are tiny!!! Wow your hair is getting long.

Jessica said...

You look amazing!! Have you started thinking about names yet? Cute tiny belly!!!

Alicia said...

Cute belly!! And congratulations on your boy! I always thought I wanted a girl first but then I had my first boy and had so much fun and was so happy when I had my second. They are great buds! You are lucky that they have so many cute little boy clothes now!

FORD RULES said...

Wow! What did you eat. Just kidding, supprised to see you are pregnant? I hadn't heard! I guess I will have to keep in touch more oft. You look great. Glad to hear it's a boy I wasn't going to be out numbered, look what happened to us!

Josh and Heather said...

Oh yes the babe has grown! You look great Susi. I'm so excited for you to be a mommy and don't worry you will be a GREAT mommy!

Brady & Chelsey said...

You look so beautiful! Your hair is getting so long!! I love your cute belly!! Yay for your little guy!! I am very excited to meet him. He is gonna be so cute!!!

Jamie Jo said...

Yay for a boy! They are so much fun! And they really love their mothers. Is it still K.J.?

The Child Family said...

Look at your belly, it is SO cute!!!!! Oh my goodness, I feel like I am missing everything by not working with you anymore :(