1. Fantastic family who are always on the lookout for my well being.
2. The guts to say, "hey, that's not right."
3. Vaccuums
so 2 & 3 have a story behind them.
We went to close on a refinance loan to reduce our house payment today. The guy gives us the first page with the payment. I say, "That's not right. It was lower than that when we began the process." James and I come back home to get the paperwork and take it to him. We call the lender and find out it's that BLASTED mortgage insurance that is lot's higher than discussed. She checks with underwriting. . . ta da!!! My stupid credit, although very high, is one point from where it needs to be to get the lower rate. Well. Now we'll just re-do it again without me to keep it low. But certainly glad I piped up to say "That's not right!"
This is the better one. It brings a smile to my face to think about it. It's quite redneck. But hey, that's right up my ally these days!!! James & I were cleaning the house on Saturday. Working away like crazy bees! We noticed Sophie going crazy. That's weird. She doesn't usually go bezerk. So we moved the hutch which she was sniffing and whining at. A MOUSE! A MOUSE IN MY HOUSE!!! Unreal. Well Mr. Mouse got a way and slid through a tiny slit under the dishwasher. dut dah da duh!!!! I'm married to a Tibbitts MAN!!!! James starts pulling everything apart. He spots Mr. Mouse and starts poking at him to get him to come back out so we can catch him. James had me get the vacuum so he could clean up underneath the dishwasher. He's thinking, "If I can just get at him with the hose, he'll be trapped." James has me stand guard with the bowl to catch Mr. Mouse with. Well that little critter can scurry!!! I exclaimed, "he's right there! Right behind the black plastic!" JAMES TO THE RESCUE. Turns on the vacuum and starts shoving the hose around the plastic. I finally got frustrated and turned off the vacuum because I couldn't hear him. Out of the corner of my eye, I SAW SOMETHING MOVE IN THE DIRT TRAP OF THE VACUUM!!! Yup, Mr. Mouse. Been caught, alive! Quite impressive. My husband sure can redneck, Tibbitts jimmyrig anything!!!
He's turned into a bit of a softie though. Back in the day, he'd have killed the little critter. This day we decided it would be better to let him loose back by the canal. James said he scurried right through the water up the far bank! He didn't even turn back to say goodbye! Oh well!
Here he is. He's gone now. Along with my pride of having a rodent free home. I guess you win some, and loose some. :)
Wow I've never seen one caught by a vacuum before. Great pictures of it. So how did you dispose of the little critter?
That is a great story! Good job on your refi too. Sometimes I think they hope you don't notice!
Wow! They are cute little critters but definately DON'T belong in the house. We should tell you about our cabin rental last New Year's Eve!
Great capture job James!
Fun story...thanks for sharing1
Love ya,
Aunt Sandy
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