So I need some help or advice or something. I'm sure I'm the normal over paranoid first time mommy.
We went to Haden's two week appointment yesterday. I was concerned that he wasn't getting enough to eat. Turns out that's not a problem at all. He had gained about 21 oz in 12 days. What a porker! But on that note, I've been trying to pump. I get so much more out of one side than the other. How can I keep the one side from drying up? I just don't know what I'm doing.
In connection with that, Haden really likes to sleep. He takes after me, that's for sure! It seems like all he does is eat and sleep. That's normal, right? We make sure and try to talk to him and interact with him when he's awake. But when it's time to eat, he does so and sleeps right afterward. How long does this last? Am I doing this right? Please help me calm my nerves.
Much Thanks!
Baked Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
5 days ago
You are totally normal. For one, babies don't even kind of interact until they are almost 2 months old, until then they just sleep and eat... get him on a schedule and your life will be SO MUCH easier!! As far as the milk goes, I would pump on the side that seems low first, and drain it all the way, in a couple of days it will either get back up to speed with the other one, or it just might have a lower supply, which is fine too, as long as your little guy is getting enough to eat (which it sounds like he is!). Hope that helped, I've been through it a few times now, but I'm still no professional, it's just my opinion :)
Don't worry. Every kid is different. Be thankful for how much your little guy DOES sleep. Their bodies tell them just what they obviuosly he needs it.
Most people I've heard from have had one breast that's better for milk production. That's normal. Talk to your doctor about it if you are really concerned.
Keep up the great work!
You are doing great, I always had one side that produced more than the other. From what I have heard is that its normal. As far as the sleeping, its all they do. Give him a few weeks and he will be more responsive. For now, enjoy all the sleep you can get! You are doing great, you two are awesome parents and Hayden is a very loved and lucky little boy.
Everytime I have a new baby I always forget how much they sleep. They do sleep ALOT. Anyway as for the pumping, I would pump on the low side first. Continue to pump even when you feel there is nothing left to stimulate more production. If your not worried about his intake I wouldn't worry about it. Although I remember feeling lopsided which isn't fun. I remember my first child being the hardest. I remember thinking as we left the hospital "your actually just letting me take my baby home without an instruction manual?" Your doing great! I'm sure you're a great Mommy!
I agree with all of the above. I produce less on one side still. I have found too that the more I worry about my milk the less I have. With Samantha I told myself that I wasn't going to stress and I haven't. I have more milk this time around. I'm sure you have heard too that drinking alot of water will help with milk production, and it does. Don't worry about him gaining too much wait. Every baby is different. You hear that they should be at their birth weight at two weeks, but my three normal delivered babies were over there birth weight at two weeks.
You are doing awesome! Keep up the good work!
Sounds like he is doing great and so are you! 21 oz in 12 days is awesome. Spencer was the same way. I think he gained over two pounds by two weeks. *****Remember this---FAT babies almost always sleep better and longer at night---bring on the heavy cream!****** Enjoy him sleeping a lot and take advantage of it as much as you can. It is totally normal. I also agree with someone above that said to get him on a schedule. Babies can and DO learn this. He can learn when it is time to sleep at night. It may even take some time of you teaching him. I sometimes had to give my babies their bath later at night so they would stay awake longer and therefore sleep longer at night. I always had one breast that it was more comfortable for both me and baby to nurse on. So that is probably all you are having right now. It has only been two weeks. Your milk supply is still trying to adjust and regulate. Give each side equal time and you will be fine. DRINK LOTS OF WATER.
Oh the doing nothing but east and sleep phase will last for a few months. They really start interacting and being cute around 2-3 months old. Just bide your time and enjoy the sleeping moments, they won't last forever :)
Enjoy the sleeping stage! it won't last long. I have always produced more on one side then the other. When I am almost done nursing the one side will completely dry up while the other side will still produce for 2 more weeks. My kids always favored the side that produced more so it was challenging but just keep up with nursing off both sides. As long as he is nursing I doubt that you will dry up.
Its normal to be worried, I was always calling the Lactation specialists with my first, I'm sure they knew me by first name.:)
I love your worries! It reminds me of how I used to worry about all of those things, then I would happen to take Josh for his appointments and realize I was doing what I was supposed to and so was Josh. It was always a relief! Sounds like you are doing wonderfully! Relax!:) The only advice I have is ENCOURAGE as much sleep as you can allow your little one to have. Just to let you know (sorry I am in the medical field! :)), but infants brains' actually develop the most while they sleep! See the more they sleep, the smarter they will be! :) Also, about the whole breast feeding...sorry, didn't work for me, but I know with the mom's I've helped, we always tell them to pump on the "low" side and then pump the "full" side. and sometimes you just have more on the one side. Anyway, you are doing great! Enjoy all the sleep! It goes away so fast!
Susi I know everyone already answered you, but I just wanted to tell you it happened to me too. Keep up the great work! It sounds like you are doing everything right. :)
I have no babies, I have zero input on how much the little man should sleep and definitely no idea about nursing and pumping and if it is normal to have one side more full or not, but I know one thing. You are an amazing mother. You love Haden (he loves you back). You haven't need to concern if you are being a good mom or not, all the little things will work themselves out, but remember you are incredible. I heart you.
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