Sometimes life takes you by surprise. Lately, I've had myself a surprise. I've found that my thyroid isn't working as well as it should. I have Hypothyroidism. I'm not very medically smart, but here goes. My brain makes a hormone called TSH. It tells my thyroid how much T4 to make. T4 is the hormone that controls essentially every thing in the body. My brain is not making enough TSH. So my thyroid is overcompensating to be able to scrape by and make enough T4.
I've been placed on a medication to help level everything out. I will go back for another blood draw on Thursday and get my TSH levels tested again. Another thing that has been considered is the size of my thyroid. Since it's overcompensating, it's growing larger and larger. It's turned into a goiter. Even though I'm on medication to level things out, my thyroid probably won't stop growing. So, we are going to have my thyroid removed. I will be able to find out more information regarding the surgery next week.
I've been so blessed while we've been discovering this all. James has been nothing but supportive. I just love him so very much! Heavenly Father have given me this trial to handle. I'm so grateful for it. I hope I can match the task given me. I know that Heavenly Father will continue to bless me as long as I do my best and put all my faith in Him. We'll just do what we need, and be grateful for every step he leads us through.
Baked Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
5 days ago
Susi...what an example you are to all of us. Even in your trials you are so strong. Please keep us updated and let us know what we can do to help.
Susi, you are such a strong person. I've always really admired you from the first time we met (we both gave talks in church on the same day, remember?) Anyway, I'll keep you in my prayers. If I can do anything, call me PLEASE!! (even if I've already moved)
Oh dang im sorry for all that, but good for you for having a positive attitude about it. Let us know if you need anything. Maybe now James will give in and let you guys come to Jackson with us. haha.
Let us know when you are having your surgery.
Hey kiddo, did you get my e-mail? If not I will copy and post it here. Dale
Susi-Q. How you doing? I miss you!
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