Wow! The months have certainly flown by. I can't believe I last blogged on Nov 2. My apologies. It's been quite nice actually. Unfortunately, I'm not going to do a lot of back tracking. Our flight home from Korea was very nice. We got to come home! Then the holidays rushed in! Halloween was fun, but we weren't up for much of the day due to jet lag. We had a wonderful party at Daren and Ashlee's house. Then we began the preparations for Thanksgiving. That was a delightful day. My dad went to Cheyenne to visit my sister and the grandchildren. So my mom came with us to James' family for Thanksgiving. It was so nice. Just a perfect setting. Turkey, ham, potatoes, rolls. Pie. Oh the Pie! I was sick the day before and my sweetie got to make the pies. They turned out delicious! That weekend was full of shopping and Christmas-ing. We drove up to the mountains with the family to help pick out trees. The pups had a blast. We followed that up with cocoa and hot dogs over an open fire. Then, of course came the Christmas preparations.
I have been so delighted with this season. I haven't been too sick. I got that over before Christmas. Very nice. Then James and I had a few Christmas parties to go to. We did very well in managing our time while making sure to have enough time for one another. We have felt our Savior in our home and live abundantly. We set a goal to spend less this holiday. And achieved it. I feel like we were able to invite the true meaning of Christmas in, by giving more of ourselves. It's been nice not to be caught up in the commercialism of it all. We are truly blessed to have the savior in our lives. And I'm so very grateful for his atonement. I so blessed to be enriched by loving family members that will always encourage me to go the extra mile and fill me to overflowing with love. What a Merry Christmas!
Baked Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
5 days ago